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1062 - Duplicate entry '1_qcs' for key 'cache_name'

INSERT INTO `usu_cache` (cache_name, cache_data, cache_date) VALUES ('1_qcs', 'nZFNa8MwDIb/ivG5h9lpQquc1m70VgYZ7Fi02CQCNx62Owgl/31OtpZ0zQ7LwSAjvc+rDwQBZw8p8PIFQ81zhDWcCVYyRtfUHo+a5x7EA/AtBl1ZR9rzvBvSK3lIRK+UP/Uff9X/oiXANycyipqKvdp2DFwnc4AZ8Gd1KjGQbdDcMbMZzOUSeFHW1hr26AKVRvsFK8JgoV27YFun4+dTsyftqWoGv2zwE4mcuZVCo7+doNd8I+NLp7H3wol9kwu1wvZCJpBi6tJxgo3DRl33J8VBTo8zKr1lxHhn7TuNEOk/Ef1FiyMaw96sM+rSddd9AQ==', '2024-09-19 18:11:00')